I like iTunes. It’s my music player of choice. A few weeks ago, it received a new update and it’s called iTunes 11. Me being very comfortable with 10, I thought this new one was a bit stupid. The way it hid the main menu bar was unneeded, the layout was rather confusing and it took out my favorite Cover Flow view. All these said, it had some good into it like the Grid view and a much slicker look. Other than that though, I’ve grown accustomed to it after that week. Then I read this article from Thorin Klosowski from LifeHacker and it looked like I haven’t even scratched the surface of this new version.

The intro of the article starts off with my sentiments exactly, this is a brand new iTunes: different looks and such, and it will take a bit of time to get used to. It then moves on to the best features this new version has to offer, explaining each one in such a fashion that everyone can understand and how exactly you can access it. It also gives out tips on how exactly to use these features (most evident in the Up Next section of the article).

Overall, I think the article sums up the best features this new version has to offer. It’s easy to understand and most of the entries are supported by pictures to further drive the message across. In addition to this, since LifeHacker has a thriving community, new useful and cool features that have been otherwise overlooked in the article are posted in the comments section. Very cool.

You can view the article over here: http://lifehacker.com/5964613/how-to-use-itunes-11s-awesome-new-features-and-bring-back-the-old-itunes-look